How Long Do Bats Gestate?
What is a bats gestation period? Not a question you ask every day, but just in case you found yourself wondering, we've got the answer!

How Long Do Bats Gestate?
What is a bats gestation period? Not a question you ask every day, but just in case you found yourself wondering, we've got the answer!

Predators of Bats
Bats are classic scary movie material. It's easy to think of them as "predators", but have you ever considered that they might be prey? Click to learn more about what kinds of animals prefer flying rodents on their dinner plate!

Do Woodpeckers Damage Trees?
Woodpeckers pecking at your ornamental trees can be concerning, especially if you don't know the extent of the damage. But can woodpeckers actually hurt the trees? Read on to find out!

Difference between rats and mice
Among the many different types of rodents in the world, rats and mice are some of the most common. They are also very common household pests. These two rodents look very much alike that most people don't even know that they are distinct species and...

Raccoon Diseases Humans can Catch
There are many diseases that raccoons can spread to people. And while some can show mild symptoms, some can be life-threatening. Knowing these diseases that raccoons can transmit will help...

Raccoon Lifespan: How Long Does a Raccoon Live?
The raccoon is a curious and intelligent animal that can